Welcome to the
Sacred Synchronicity Portal

How would it feel to open a doorway that allows you to experience more

in your life.


I am ready to :

  • Meet the love of my life
  • Learn self-love
  • Clear my blocks to love

I am ready to :

  • Stand strong in all situations
  • Find my sacred superpower
  • Be happy and victorious

I am ready to :

  • Learn to trust my gut
  • Hear inner guidance
  • See more Sacred Synchronicities

I am ready to

  • Discover my purpose
  • Create a bigger vision for my life

CLICK ON each of the Doorways above

Then schedule an appointment with
JAN STRINGER, the Voice of the Sacred Synchronicity

Expect Sacred Synchronicities to happen and new doorways to open!

Does this sound familiar?

You love to contribute to people yet end up feeling depleted, overwhelmed, burned out. It feels too hard and requires so much work. You sabotage your efforts with doubts and fuzzy thinking. You go in too many directions. You follow charismatic people and spend money on programs that take you off your path.

When Life throws a Curveball

This is exactly what happened to me, unexpectedly my husband/business partner died suddenly. Life threw me a curveball and everything was out of balance.

I kept doing what I had always done for the last 20 years and nothing would come to fruition. I was scared and disappointed as my business sales took a nosedive. I felt very frustrated. Worst of all, I lost my passion.

Would you like me to share with you a secret that I unexpectedly stumbled upon that will help you to rebalance your life after traumatic experiences ?

When there is no passion, your soul is either asleep or absent. When your passion awakens, your soul becomes young and free and dances again.
– John O’Donohue, ANAM Cara

What would it feel like to have the courage to go beyond where you have ever been in your life?

  • To open a doorway that takes you into new adventures?
    I went to Morocco? You?
  • Have more fun and experience new beginnings?
    Tango anyone?
  • Receive insights and awareness that you cannot see on your own.
    I can see your soul!

If this is you, then you will benefit from the magic of Sacred Synchronicity as you are guided to experience more love, power, intuition, purpose.

I’m Jan Stringer and for over 40 years I have been working with a Global Audience of heart-centered entrepreneurs . I pioneered the use of Law of Attraction in business using my own system called Strategic Attraction™. My approach was launched in my two published books, Attracting Perfect Customers: The Power of Strategic Synchronicity and BEE-ing Attraction: What Love Has To Do with Business and Marketing and over 300 business owners have become Certified Strategic Attraction™ planners.

Like I said, I stumbled upon a solution that changed everything quite unexpectedly.

What I discovered was that even though I had been successful for 20 years, a bigger part of me was ready to be revealed.

It was time to expand beyond where I had ever been willing to go.

First I had to tame my own limiting beliefs and allow myself to follow my passions.

To my delight, I opened a doorway that unleashed a whole new set of Spiritual Gifts that I now offer to individuals and groups.

I was so excited that I began to offer these Spiritual Gifts to help other people to open their doorways in these powerful areas:

Love . Power . Intuition . Purpose

WHAT IS Sacred Synchronicity?

Sacred Synchronicity is an occurrence that feels amazing and magical. It happens when you have been asking your Divine for support or an outcome; then when you least expect it, a doorway opens for you to walk through and you know this is the correct path for you to follow. That’s Sacred Synchronicity.


The words “Sacred Synchronicity” came to me during a special VIP session with the late Alan Davidson, a dear friend of mine. Alan says he was the ‘midwife’ of this idea and was helping me birth this as the next message for me. Sacred Synchronicity started to become clear when I was ready to walk through a Doorway.


  • When you have lost sight of your vision and are wandering around unfocused
  • You feel like a rug was pulled out from under your feet and out of balance
  • You wonder or would like to connect with your guides and inner guidance
  • You have given too much to others and need to nurture your own soul
  • You declared to experience more love – power – intuition – purpose now